

The final room of Vincent van Gogh in Auvers-sur-Oise
Vincent van Gogh shot a own chest, and the story was told from him that attempted suicide.  After the attempted suicide at wound of the bullet that spent final two days in the short remaining days in this small attic in July 27, 1890.  So he end of the life of only 37 years and 4-month at July 29, 1890.
He lived only for two months (65days) that he produced 70 works of great paintings in the small village of Auvers-sur-Oise.

1890年7月27日、自ら銃弾を胸に撃ち込み、自殺を試みたと言われているゴッホが最後の2日間を半死の状態の中、この小さな 屋根裏部屋で過ごした。そして2日後の7月29日に37歳と4ヶ月の生涯を閉じることになる・・・結果的に約2ヶ月間(65日間)しか住まなかった小さな村、オヴェール・シュル・オワーズで約70点の傑作絵画を生み出した・・・

1 Sep. 2012
in Paris

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