

ロンドンのイーストにあるW氏のスタジオを見に行った。W氏はイラク人アーティストでもう20年以上ロンドンで制作活動をしている。壁に大きなコットンキャンバスを直接張ってアクリル絵の具でシンボリックな風景をダイナミックに描いていた。  先日、久しぶりにチェルシーのレクチャーシアターでのTrAINセミナーに出かけた。昨年行われた28thサンパウロビエンナーレに関する報告とディスカッションだったが、その後はアジアンレストランでのディナーに誘われ沢山飲んで交友関係も広がった。
来月行う英語でのトーク原稿作成も最終段階に入ってきたが、まだまだパワーポイトに沢山画像を張り付けたりと作業が山積みだ。 http://www.transnational.org.uk/people/types/25

TrAIN PhD Seminar
Suda Masahiro
Tuesday 17 February 2009
TrAIN room (E204) 2.00pm

We would like to invite you to our next PhD seminar at which Suda Masahiro (TrAIN visiting fellow 2008-9) will talk about his work.

Suda Masahiro is an artist, based in Nagoya, Japan and currently Associate Professor of Nagoya University of Arts. His works have been widely exhibited in Tokyo, Nagoya, Cologne, Berlin, Vilnius, Bangkok and Beijing. In his early works, Suda obsessively explored the power of colour ‘yellow’ through yellow objects, yellow painting and yellow rooms to give emotional impact and dislocation. His recent series of installation of painting works, ‘Colourscape’, began in 2000, demonstrates his continuing interest in exploring the relations between colour/composition and time, memory and emotion. Suda’s signature monochrome and disguisedly simple imageries offer complex and multiple ways of looking at the world.

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